Terms and conditions

This website provides general information about the various products and services of Harrison-AI Pty Ltd (Harrison.ai) and its related companies. No medical advice is provided in the information accessed through this site.


The content of Harrison.ai website is protected under Australian and international copyright laws and conventions. Reproduction or use of any content of this website is prohibited other than for good faith personal and non-commercial purposes. No content reproduced may be altered or presented in a false or misleading manner whether by incorporation with other information or alone. Harrison.ai limited permission to reproduce or use content does not extend to including any substantial portion of the content of this website in any work or publication, regardless of its form. Any reproduction or use of any content must always attribute copyright ownership to Harrison-AI Pty Ltd.


The trademarks owned by Harrison.ai and its related companies, are protected by Australian and international laws. You may not reproduce any of the trademarks of Harrison.ai or its related companies without written authorisation.


Any personal information given to Harrison.ai will be dealt with in accordance with Harrison.ai Privacy Policy. Any information provided may be accessed by any employee of Harrison and its related companies, in accordance with the requirements of Harrison.ai Privacy Policy


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In no event will Harrison.ai, its related companies, or their directors or employees be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information in this website or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.